Please find the documentation for the Aryn SDK Partition module below. All parameters are optional unless specified otherwise.


Sends a file to Aryn DocParse and returns a Python dictionary with elements containing its document structure and text.


Convert an image element to a more usable format. If no format is specified, create a PIL Image object. If a format is specified, output the bytes of the image in that format. If b64encode is set to True, base64-encode the bytes and return them as a string.


Create a list of images from the provided PDF, one for each page, with bounding boxes detected by the partitioner drawn on.


Create a pandas DataFrame representing the tabular data inside the provided table element. If the element is not of type table or doesn’t contain any table data, return None instead.


For every table element in the provided partitioning response, create a pandas DataFrame representing the tabular data. Return a list containing all the elements, with tables paired with their corresponding DataFrames.


Submit a document for asynchronous partitioning and get its task_id. Meant to be used with partition_file_async_result.


Gets the results of an asynchronous partitioning task by task_id. Meant to be used with partition_file_async_submit.



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