Sometimes the output you get from Aryn DocParse isn’t exactly what you want. You can mitigate this by specifying the output_label_options option which will apply simple heuristics to correct the output. Currently the two heuristics we support are promote_title and orientation_correction.

  1. promote_title which will check if there’s no title on the first page of the document and then intelligently choose one of other elements on the first page to promote to title.
  2. orientation_correction will correct the orientation of rotated pages during the preprocessing step.


Let’s look at the example below:

You’ll notice that the “Aviation Investigation Final Report” is incorrectly detected as a “Caption” here. To fix this when using the aryn-sdk, you can call partition_file with the output_label_options parameter:

output_label_options = {"promote_title": True, "title_candidate_elements":["Section-header", "Caption"], "orientation_correction": False}
partitioned_file = partition_file(

This will return the following output:

The heuristic chooses to promote an element on the first page whose type is in the title_candidate_elements list and has the largest font size.

Let’s look at another example where the document has pages that are rotated.

You can set orientation_correction to True to automatically correct the orientation of rotated pages, ensuring accurate information extraction.

output_label_options = {"orientation_correction": True}
partitioned_file = partition_file(

This will return the following output:

Specify Output Label Options using curl

This is how you can use curl to specify these options:

curl -v -v -s -N ""
-H "Authorization: Bearer $ARYN_API_KEY" 
-F "file=@path/to/your/file"
-F 'options={"output_label_options": {"promote_title": true, "title_candidate_elements":["Section-header", "Caption"], "orientation_correction": true}}'

Specify Output Label Options through Sycamore

This is how you can specify these options through sycamore:

partitioner = ArynPartitioner(
        output_label_options = {"promote_title": True, "title_candidate_elements":["Section-header", "Caption"], "orientation_correction": True})