The following functions can be used together to send files to DocParse to partition asynchronously:

partition_file_async_submit - function that makes a request to partition the file and returns a task_id that you can use to keep track of your request to partition the file

partition_file_async_result - function that you can call to get the result of the partition_file task you just sent. It will return a dict that indicates a status (“done” or “pending”)

Here’s an example of how you can process multiple files at the same time:

import time
from aryn_sdk.partition import partition_file_async_submit, partition_file_async_result
import os

## Get a list of all files you are interested in parsing
files = os.listdir(YOUR_DIRECTORY_NAME)
task_ids = [None] * len(files)

## Iterate through all the files to submit a task to partition each file
## and create a list of running tasks
for i, file_name in enumerate(files):
    file_path = f"{YOUR_DIRECTORY_NAME}/{file_name}"
    if os.path.isfile(file_path):
            print(f"Submitting {file_path}")
            task_ids[i] = partition_file_async_submit(file_path)["task_id"]
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Failed to submit {file_path}: {e}")

results = [None] * len(files)

## Wait for all tasks to finish
for i, task_id in enumerate(task_ids):
    while True:
        result = partition_file_async_result(task_id)
        # if particular task is done, break
        if result["task_status"] != "pending":
            print(f"Task {task_id} done.")

        # else sleep

    if result["task_status"] == "done":
        results[i] = result

## print the results will be None if task failed
for file_name, result in zip(files, results):
  print(file_name,": ", result)

It is important to note that sending multiple asynchronous partitioning tasks at the same time does not guarantee that they will run simultaneously.

Using a webHook

Optionally, you can also set a webhook for Aryn’s services to call when your task is completed:

partition_file_async_submit("/path/to/my/file.docx", webhook_url="")

Aryn will POST a request containing a body like the below to the webhook URL:

{"done": [{"task_id": "aryn:t-47gpd3604e5tz79z1jro5fc"}]}

If you want to list all the asynchronous partition_file tasks that are running and not yet completed in your account, you can call the following function:

>> partition_file_async_list()
{'aryn:t-wewbyn5zyh9uxzgghgi5ehf': {'task_status': 'pending'},
 'aryn:t-3kuln0wm0zqex2ks7ue0kvi': {'task_status': 'pending'},
 'aryn:t-o38deeglw3hkl6p939gdyyk': {'task_status': 'pending'},
 'aryn:t-zxzjrwmaifj8ql5ar1zttye': {'task_status': 'pending'},
 'aryn:t-fn6j1sbuhsohrx51r4eom9n': {'task_status': 'pending'},
 'aryn:t-luldbdt5d2kn8cact61mao8': {'task_status': 'pending'}}

If you want to cancel a particular asynchronous partition_file task you can call the following function:

>> partition_file_async_cancel("aryn:t-47gpd3604e5tz79z1jro5fc")

Using cURL

You can also call the async APIs directly without python through cURL:

curl -X POST -F "file=@path/to/file.pdf" -F 'options={"use_ocr": true}' -H "Authorization: Bearer MY_ARYN_API_KEY"

You can poll your result with the command below. Use the call id the command returned as output.

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer MY_ARYN_API_KEY"

To list pending tasks use the command below:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer MY_ARYN_API_KEY"

You can cancel a pending task with the command below:

curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer MY_ARYN_API_KEY"